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How my life experiences brought me to this place…


I decided to enter the field of health & wellness after my Father passed away from a heart attack unexpectedly at 49 years old. My Father’s passing fueled me with the desire to help other people improve their health. 

As a teenager, I suffered from IBS and eventually fixed my digestive issues about 8 years ago without having to restrict food as a long-term solution. I no longer have IBS attacks and have lived (mostly) symptom-free and comfortable ever since. I am super passionate about helping clients get to the root cause of their digestive issues so they, too, can get rid of bloating, gas, stomach pain, diarrhea/constipation, heartburn and more. Since getting well, I have worked successfully with hundreds of clients to fix their digestion and increase the number of foods they are able to eat without pain! 

Fast forward to the last ten years - I have struggled with recurrent pregnancy loss, my own IVF experience and a failed frozen embryo transfer. These losses and experiences moved me to be an advocate for anyone struggling to start a family and speak about pregnancy loss grief openly to help others feel less alone and to raise awareness in our community. 

I am a committee member of NB COPES - prenatal and infant loss division - where we offer support groups and art therapy sessions to help grieving families. NB COPE's mission is to ensure that no child, youth or parent feels alone in their grief. Having also lost my Father at a young age, this group holds a special place in my heart for others experiencing the long-term impacts of grief. 


And four years ago, I partnered with Beautycounter. With a mission to educate & advocate for more health-protective laws in the personal care industry, I was on board 100%.  There are ingredients in the products we use everyday that are impacting our long-term health, including hormones & fertility. That has to change. I look for safe, sustainable products in all areas of my life, not just beauty, and share my finds regularly. 

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More about my story:


NB Copes

Brandy Williams is one of our peer mentors for the pregnancy/infant loss support groups starting soon. Click here to read her story.

Call To Action

Dana Lloyd, Soulsisters Podcast

Brandy Williams has suffered 7 miscarriages. She is in the midst of trying to have her family. She sits down with me today to talk about what she has learned about recurring loss, surrender and the power of sharing what you are going through.

Listen Now

Get Started

Got bloating, diarrhea, constipation, stomach pain and more?

Your Gut Health may be the issue

Let's Fix That

Ready to improve your relationship with food & your body?

We're the East Coast Intuitive Eaters

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Feel like your health is out of control?

Time for the Be Well Method

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